DCRM(C) Editorial Meeting
ALA Annual
Chicago, Illinois
June 28, 2013
Agenda (and minutes)
Areas with outstanding issues:
(Discussion began with issues from the areas not listed in initial agenda)
I.2. revise sentence to add reference to DCRM(S) for rare serials
I.4. revise example to fit cartographic material
Area 0
0A. add unmounted globe gores to materials listed [wasn't there other corrections to this list? I don't have further notes, but I seem to recall this]
0B1. remove "and format" from final bullet
0G7.3. leave complete rule in for now even though potentially may not relate to cartographic materials; we may drop examples later
Area 2
2B4.2. we will keep the second part of the rule, but perhaps have less examples
Area 3
3B1.7c. full citation to Klaus is needed
3B4.1. the quoted scale statement does not go in a note, but rather concerns Area 3 (THIS IS A DEVIATION FROM CM)
3D2.6. we will combine the two separate notes in Area 3
3D2.7. rephrase the second sentence to make more similar to wording in the example of 3D2.8.
3D2.8. more examples are needed; more general
3C2.1. will keep the final sentence connecting two projections by "and" (THIS IS A DEVIATION FROM CM, but only for atlases)
Area 5
5C5.2, 5C8.2. it is better to say "is not" in example comment
5C5.3., 5C8.3. will keep hyphen in examples (related: the use of "hand col." IS A DEVIATION FROM CM, which uses "col." in the 300)
5C7.1. we will delete 5E2
5D1.3. putting an image in the main text is okay
Area 7
7B1.1. we will add a paragraph concerning geographic coverage
7B3. we will delete the parallel rules in 1B1.2 and 1B3.4
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