Examples Found (Appendix F: Title Access Points)
Note: For examples not listed here, look under the DCRM(C) rule number that the example is illustrating.
0F1.1. Title proper in nonroman script
Additional title access:
Shina rekidai enkakuzu
Bib: http://lccn.loc.gov/2008623124
Status: Used 3/28/13
MT: I'm just trusting the LC record here. 3/28/13
State of [blank]
Additional title access:
State of New York
NK: Though I can't find a better example, I was wondering if this example shows what we want it to show. It seems in this case as though "State of New York" as added title access for "State of [blank]" would be an example of 7B19, a copy-specific title. A made-up example to show what perhaps we want 0G6.4 to show might be: Transcription for interpolated blank: State of New York showing [blank] features. Additional title access: State of New York showing features. (Example of possible copy-specific title access: State of New York showing topographical features.) Or am I misinterpreting, and is "State of New York" meant to represent something issued by the publisher in addition to "State of [blank]? 5/11/2013
MT: Good catch, Nancy, you're exactly right. This example would need to have the additional title access be simply "State of" (which looks a little silly - much better would be an example that has words on either side of the blank. It would, of course, be nice to find a real example but for now I have doctored this one as below (making it have two blanks so we still have one within the first 5 words). 5/19/13
State of [blank] showing [blank] features
Additional title access:
State of showing features
0G7.2. Title proper with approximated letters
Charte von der Moldau und Rvalachey
Charte von der Moldau und Walachey
Additional title access:
Charte von der Moldau und Rvalachey
Image: http://brbl-dl.library.yale.edu/vufind/Record/3444576
Status: Used 1/22/14
MT: This is a made-up example based on this map. I have been unable to find a real example of a map with a "w" represented by "rv". 1/22/14
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