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To Do:
- Submit genre heading change proposal (Atlas factice-->Composite atlases) based on research:
MT: Examples of published usage for the term "composite atlas":
1. Meurer, Peter H. The Strabo illustratus atlas : a unique sixteenth century composite atlas from the House of Bertelli in Venice / described by Peter H. Meurer ; edited by Paul Haas ... [et al.]. Bedburg-Hau : Antiquariat Gebr. Haas OHG ; Paris : Librairie D. Le Bail & Weissert, [2004] .
670 The Strabo illustratus atlas : a unique sixteenth century composite atlas from the House of Bertelli in Venice, 2004: $b p. 3 (composite atlases; can be subdivided into three types: collections compiled by a map publisher mainly from his own program; atlases composed by booksellers from the production of several local publishers; and volumes consisting of maps by various publishers, bound together by a later proprietor; the first two types are common in Dutch, Italian, French, and German cartography up to the end of the 18th century) p. 4 (alternate terms: Lafreri atlas and IATO or “Italian assembled-to-order” atlas; modern writing tries to avoid these terms)
2. Woodward, David. "Italian Composite Atlases of the Sixteenth Century," in Images of the World: The Atlas through History, ed. John A. Wolter and Ronald E. Grim, 51-70 (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1997).
670 Images of the world : the atlas through history, 1997: $b p. 51-70, in chapter "Italian composite atlases of the sixteenth century" by David Woodward (Italian publishers issued atlases consisting of separately published maps and views assembled to the order of individual clients; the common designation "Lafreri atlas" to include any Italian composite atlas or atlas factice of the 16th century is highly misleading; of the surviving Italian 16th-century composite atlases, only about a quarter bear the well-known title page issued by Antonio Lafreri; atlases were assembled for clients either from already printed maps in stock or actually printed to order from selected plates in stock; did not necessarily have title pages or other marks of authorship; miscellaneous in authorship and format, a kind of contemporary cartographic anthology) p. 102 (Dutch firm of Covens and Mortier and the house of Ottens were both famous for voluminous atlases assembled to order, ca. 1720-1780) p. 272 (maps engraved by the Bordiga brothers in Milan were reprinted up to the 1850s and assembled to form composite atlases)
3. Egmond, M. van. Covens & Mortier: a map publishing house in Amsterdam, 1685-1866 / Marco van Egmond. Houten : Hes & De Graaf, c2009. [section 7.8 entitled "The phenomenon of the composite atlas"]
4. The Earliest Atlases : From Ptolemy to Ortelius:
("Gradually it became the fashion to bind the maps together, into composite atlases (frequently called 'Lafreri atlases' after one of the leading publishers of the period, or less commonly IATO atlases - Italian, Assembled To Order)") - also cites: R.V. Tooley, ‘Maps In Italian Atlases’, Imago Mundi, III (1939), p.12. See also later articles in issues of
5. Library of Congress Geography and Maps : an illustrated guide. Washington : Library of Congress, 1996.
670 Library of Congress geography and maps, 1996: $b p. 8 (Lafréry and other Italian publishers and dealers began to assemble these individual maps into bound folio volumes based on the interests of their customers; about seventy of these composite Italian atlases are extant today, each unique in its contents)
6. Besse, J.-M. Antoine Lafreri's Atlases. (Project associated with Max Planck Institute for the History of Science).
"This project revolves around the cartographic collections (“composite atlases” or IATO atlas/Italian Assembled to Order) composed by the publisher Antonio Lafreri (1512-1577) and his heirs ..."
7. Karrow, Robert W. Mapmakers of the sixteenth century and their maps. Chicago: Published for The Newberry Library by Speculum Orbis Press, 1993
670 Mapmakers of the sixteenth century and their maps, 1993: $b p. 4 (ad hoc atlas … an atlas factice) p. 230 (“Lafreri-type” has become a common if misleading way of referring to 16th-century Italian atlases; the collector George H. Beans coined the acronym IATO (for “Italian assembled-to-order”) as a generic description of the atlases, but the designation “Italian composite atlas” seems to be gaining currency) p. 588 (atlas factice)
MT: Example of published usage for the term "atlas factice":
"atlas factice: A collected work created by the selection of previously issued maps, views, plans, etc., as opposed to an atlas containing maps not previously published. The format can be bound or loose-leaf. In the 17th and 18th centuries, some publishers assembled atlases to order. Click here to see an example, courtesy of the National Library of the Netherlands. Synonymous with compiled atlas and composite atlas."
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